$ whoami
Hello! I'm Sara (online alias: Risclover, or RiscloverYT), and I am a 29-year-old gamer/novice coder from California. I've lived my whole life being fairly proficient with computers and I think I would genuinely enjoy a career in coding/computer programming, and that's what I'm working toward these days.
So Far...
When I first started to work on the Free Code Camp (FCC) projects, I was in over my head. I had just completed the lessons and had retained nothing, and yet I thought I could start creating these webpage challenges. Pfah.
And on top of this, I initially thought that the FCC Responsive Web Design projects were meant to be recreated, not just serve as inspiration. And yet, when I began work on the simplest one (the Tribute page), I found that I had no idea what to do or where to start. As a result, I snuck a hundred too many peaks at the example's source code during the tribute page's creation, and, well, it didn't count. I did the same thing with the Survey page challenge.
It was after that that I figured out that we are meant to use the examples as, well, examples, and that we are supposed to go in with our own designs, content, and style to finish the projects. Still, I wasn't even ready to code on my own, let alone design the damn things, too. I decided that, to help myself learn, I would do the projects twice - the first time as a recreation of the example page (which would help me learn), and then my own content, style, and design.
The thing about the FCC lessons is that they don't seem to be enough to learn coding by themselves, which was how I was initially treating them. When that wasn't working for me, I looked into some additional free coding lessons. I discovered W3Schools, Codecademy, and Mozilla Developer, and the combination of the four websites (and hours of taking notes) finally helped me start to retain HTML and CSS rules.
Completed Projects
I successfully recreated the Survey page:
the Technical Documentation page:
and the Product Landing Page project:
I was doing well with the Portfolio project (until I tried to make it responsive, which screwed up the main grid of content; this caused me to put it aside until I learned more about Flex and Grid, but I haven't touched it since).
In the meantime, I finally tackled the Tribute project on my own and created a Muse tribute page:
I don't necessarily like the outcome - I think that it takes a single glance to see that it's total amateur hour - but hey, it's my own design, content, and style. It was my first page that I'd completed 100% on my own!
After that, I did the same with the Technical Documentation project (which is more my cup of tea anyway), and I am far more impressed with that result than I am with my Muse tribute page:
I'm just very happy to see that I'm improving with each and every project!
What project is next?
I'm at a little bit of a standstill. I still have the Survey and Product Landing Page projects, plus the Portfolio page (which will come after I've completed the others). Unfortunately, I really want these remaining pages to be 100% my own as well, and I'm blanking on content for both the Survey page and the Product Landing Page. I researched some product landing pages earlier today and caught a little bit of inspiration, so I think I may start that up soon. I'm spending my time trying to learn other coding languages, but that's another post in itself.