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Chopper Locations in COD: Mobile (Updated List)

Writer's picture: RiscloverRisclover

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

ATTENTION: Accuracy of information provided in my guides is extremely important to me. If you see an error in this article or know of any additional locations that I haven't listed, please contact me and let me know by clicking here and filling out the Contact form, or by leaving a comment below. Thanks!


Looking around the internet, it is impossible trying to find a recent guide to the locations of the helicopters in Battle Royale. In recent months, Isolated has been updated to include locations such as Radar Base, Ski Town, Dormitory, and more, and most of the guides cover the version of Isolated that did not extend beyond the water (Nuclear Plant being the northmost location in these versions).

So I figured I’d give you an updated list myself! Below is an image of all of the locations, but you can read on for exact locations and images of all of the helicopter spawns.

As a side-note, isn't it interesting how the middlemost locations are the ones that are completely void of chopper spawn points?

Location details are sorted first by the amount of choppers available in that location (from greatest to least), then alphabetically. Click on the name of a location in the list below to jump to that section.

Note: Locations with guaranteed choppers are marked with a star (★)

Map Locations with Choppers

3 Choppers

2 Choppers

1 Chopper


Locations with 3 Chopper Spawns

1. Countdown

Disclaimer: Countdown has a star next to its name (indicating that it's a location that is guaranteed to start the game with a chopper somewhere) because I've never personally dropped into Countdown and not seen a chopper. It is the only location name with a star next to its name that I'm not 100% sure about (but I am 99% sure, so take this all with a grain of salt.)

Location 1: By the Missile Silos

This chopper location is after the missile silos going into the rest of Countdown, on the helipad southeast of the silos.

Location 2: Over "The Pit"

The Pit is what I call the area that dips below ground level on the east side of Countdown. A chopper can spawn on the "bridge" that goes over the center of The Pit, as shown in the image.

Location 3: By the Edge of Town

The final chopper location in Countdown is at the very back part of town, in the southwest corner. You'll find two helipad circles here; the chopper spawns in the second (southmost) one.

2. Dormitory

I initially thought that Dormitory had only one chopper location (the first one listed below). Then, one day quite recently, I dropped into Dormitory and saw a chopper in a second location (the second one listed below). A few days after that, I returned to Dormitory specifically to see if I could grab a screenshot of that second location, and as I dropped in, I noticed a chopper in a third location! Wtf.

Location 1: Southwest of the Dorms

Southwest of the four dormitory buildings and uphill from the river is this first chopper location.

Location 2: East of the Dorms

The second chopper location in Dormitory is on the East side of town, in the square above surrounded by two buildings and a low wall (with the dormitory in the image above sitting across the road behind the chopper).

Location 3: North of the Dorms

The final Dormitory chopper location is north of the dormitory buildings, across the main street, and on a helipad surrounded by buildings and a water tower.

3. Frigid Wetland

The Frigid Wetland isn't a place I visit often, so I can't say for sure whether it's a "guaranteed" thing, but when I do go there, there's usually a chopper sitting somewhere.

Location 1: Southwest, on the West "Island"

If you look at Frigid Wetland on the map, you'll see that it's technically made up of 3 different "islands" in the middle of the water. This first location is on the "west" island, on a helipad in the southwest part of Frigid Wetland.

Location 2: In the Middle Part of Town, to the East

This second chopper location is on this random ridge in the middle part of town, on the East side. Note the green car in the image, plus the tree, the wood bridge, and the yellow zipline thingy when looking for it in-game.

Location 3: Out in the "Boonies"

The final chopper location in the Frigid Wetland is way out in the boonies, past all of the buildings. You can't see it in the image, but apart from the yellow zipline thingy, there's also a water tower just behind the "camera". Refer to the map at the top of the post to see where this is.

4. Harbor

The Harbor is another place that had an additional chopper location that I didn't know about. I'm glad I found these spots in time for this article!

Location 1: In the Empty Boat Launch Space

A chopper can sometimes be found in the empty boat launch space (shown above).

Location 2: In the Helipad Heading Out of the Harbor

This next Harbor chopper location is on the helipad heading out of town, east of the boat launch thingies and right in front of the road between the two buildings.

Location 3: South of the Harbor Boat, in the Grass

The final chopper location in Harbor is southwest of the boat, in the grass not far from the ocean.

5. Heat

Like some other locations in this article, I'm not sure if Heat has a third location. I've found 2 so far, but I never visit this place, so let me know if I'm missing a third! Thanks.

Edit (7/26/21): I've found a 3rd location! It's listed as Location 3 below.

Location 1: Next to the Church

The first location in Heat is on this random ridge, between the church and the guard rail. This is the location that I find a chopper most often in Heat, but then again, not always.

Location 2: The Helipad

The other chopper location in Heat is in the south part of town, on this helipad, which is surrounded on all four sides by houses.

Location 3: The Ledge Beneath the Ski Lift

Weeks after writing this article and not seeing anything new, I came across this location because of my boyfriend, who was my teammate that round. He told me to "come to the chopper", and when I couldn't figure out what he was talking about, he said "jump down from the ski lift," so I did. I thought it was going to be a chopper that somebody had dropped off there (even though we were at the start of the game), but much to my surprise, it was a brand new chopper, and this was where it had spawned!

This location is below the ski lift outside of Heat, slightly northwest of the town.

6. Nuketown

Nuketown is another location that has 3 choppers - one in the center of the town, and two in the grassy areas outside of the town.

Location 1: In the Middle of Town

There is a T-intersection in Nuketown (meaning there's a street that leads to the center of another street,formingaT). This first chopper location is right next to this intersection, at the beginning of the road that dead-ends at the court.

Location 2: In the Northwest Field

The northwest field is the one with the log-chopping scene. The helicopter spawns right next to the chopped logs.

Location 3: In the South Field

The final Nuketown chopper location is in the south field, way out in the grass away from all of the houses. Remember to refer to the map at the top of this article for locations!

7. Practice Range

Location 1: Outside of Practice Range

This chopper is outside of Practice Range, between the wall and the upgrade terminal by the big boulder that you can see in the image.

Location 2: Helipad #1

Practice Range has two helipads, and both of them spawn helicopters. This one is north (and slightly east) of the third location, next to the building you see in the image.

Location 3: Helipad #2

The final chopper spawn location in Practice Range is in the other helipad, which is surrounded by buildings (including the ones you can see in the image).

8. Sanitarium

It is extremely rare when Sanitarium doesn't have a chopper upon dropping in. It has happened, however, so, unfortunately, I can't put a star next to this one.

Location 1: On the Ground Level

A chopper can sometimes be found on the helipad on the ground level outside of the Sanitarium building. This helipad is technically east of the building (when referring to the map).

Location 2: Rooftop Spot #1

There are two helipads on the Sanitarium rooftop, and both of them spawn choppers. This one is, when looking at the map, on the eastern side of the building.

Location 3: Rooftop Spot #2

This image is almost identical to the chopper location before this one, isn't it? That's because, of course, this spot is also on the Sanitarium roof, but on the northwestern side.


Locations with 2 Chopper Spawns

1. Black Market

Not only does the Black Market have a chopper spawn right outside of the town, but it also has a helicopter vehicle terminal in town, making this location 100% guaranteed to have a chopper! Note that if a player has recently spawned a chopper here, there is a 3:00 minute wait; however, you'll be able to call a chopper once that time is up. Refer to the terminal to see how much time remains.

Location 1: Helicopter Terminal

This helicopter terminal, which allows you to call in a chopper at the click of a button, sits on the helipad platform on the north part of the Black Market. As stated above, if a player has recently called in a chopper, you will have to wait for what remains of the 3:00 countdown before being able to call in a chopper yourself. Again, refer to the terminal to see how much time is left! :)

Location 2: Outside of Town (South)

The second Black Market location is outside of town, to the south. It is across the street from the upgrade terminal and the bridge. It isn't always there, but it doesn't hurt to check!

2. Dock

Okay, hear me out on this one. I could have sworn that the Docks had a third chopper location - the helipad on top of some shipping containers in the center of the location. In fact, I do remember getting into a chopper at the aforementioned location some months ago. However, since starting this article, I've gone back to that location dozens of times, and I have yet to see a helicopter there! Either I have some very bad luck, or the developers removed this location for whatever reason. If you have recently seen a chopper at this location, let me know and I will continue to try to catch a screenshot of it so that I can include it in this article. Thanks!

Also, I know that this location is technically labeled "Dock"; however, it sounds weird if I call it "the dock" or just "dock", so for the sake of my sanity, I'll be referring to it as "the Docks" from hereon out.

Location 1: North End of the Docks

This helipad is on the North end of the docks, next to the water. You'll see it if you are heading out of the docks via this road.

Location 2: Southeast End of the Docks

The other helipad is on the Southeast end of the docks, also next to the water.

3. Overgrown

Location 1: Helipad

The first Overgrown chopper spawn is on the helipad, which sits in a square behind a house in the southwest part of town.

Location 2: By the Water Tower

I couldn't really think of another way to describe this chopper location, because it's actually kind of random, so don't be surprised if you didn't know about this one. This location is next to 2 houses and a water tower in the northwest part of Overgrown, just randomly sitting in the snow.

4. Radar Base

Despite having just two potential chopper spawn locations, I was very tempted to place a star next to this one because I've never dropped in and not had a chopper waiting for me at one of the two locations. However, Radar Base is a rarer choice of mine, so I cannot definitively say whether or not a chopper is guaranteed.

Location 1: Helipad, Upper Level

In the northeastern part of Radar Base, on the upper level, is a helipad, which sits next to the buildings shown in the image. A chopper sometimes spawns on this helipad.

Location 2: Lower Level

More often, a chopper can be found in this second location, which is on the lower level in the grass. This spot is in the northwest part of town, next to the stairs that lead down to this level.

5. Ski Town

"But Ski Town only has one chopper!" I can hear you thinking. And you might be right! I don't know how many people know about this chopper location, but I certainly had no clue that it existed because I rarely go to the Northern locations, let alone past them.

Location 1: Super Duper North

This chopper is way out north. If you follow the road that goes north from Ski Town, it'll take you to the

building and tree in the image, which sit at the top of a hill. And that's where you may be able to find this chopper. I've only been here a couple of times, so I'm not sure how often this chopper tends to spawn. However, it does exist, so there's a chance.

Location 2: Ski Town Helipad

The other Ski Town chopper location is, of course, on the helipad, which sits to the west of the main Ski Town building.


Locations with 1 Chopper Spawn Spot

1. Downtown

Okay, so I have a question: Am I crazy, or was there ever a chopper spawn in one of the tennis courts? The one on the right of the building, with a truck? Yes? No? Either way, it doesn't exist now, making the rooftop chopper the only location.

2. Estate

The Estate chopper sits in this beautiful field of purple flowers, which is in the northwest part of Estate.

3. Floating Platform

The final location in this article with a guaranteed chopper spawn, the Floating Platform always has a chopper on the lowest level (the one that extends out).

Fun fact: If someone takes the chopper early on in the game, it actually eventually respawns! If you wait long enough (or decide to come back much later), there's a good chance that it'll appear again.

4. Killhouse

The Killhouse chopper appears on the helipad in the square, the one that's right in the middle of the location.

5. Nuclear Launch

Please note that if the helicopter in the southwest part of Nuclear Launch still spawns, I have yet to see it in recent months (and I check often).

The remaining chopper location is just to the east of the newer ski launch building, on the ridge in between the ski launch and the ski hill.

6. Sakura

And last (but not least) on this list is the Sakura chopper location, which is on the road at the top of the same hill that the church sits on.


And that's it, folks - all of the current chopper spawn locations! Please feel free to leave a comment or to use the contact form if you know of any mistakes on this list, or if you know for a fact that I've missed any locations. As I mentioned at the start of this article, it is extremely important to me that any article I post publicly is as accurate as possible, and any help would be massively appreciated.

1 Comment

Jun 19, 2021

I love you have my babies. 😝

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